WATCH! Biden Bites Babies at WH Halloween Event – Just Joe Being Joe!

Who could resist a baby dressed like a chicken, right? At his final Halloween in the White House, Joe Biden certainly couldn’t – especially if it means adding a new page to his legendary catalog of “Why Did He Do That?” moments. Yes, folks, the President of the United States decided to nibble on not one, but two babies’ toes at this year’s White House Halloween bash. And just when we thought the list of “Biden being Biden” gaffes couldn’t get any longer, here we are.

But this is Joe Biden. The same Joe Biden who has made “sniffing” kids practically his public relations strategy. You would think he’d take it down a notch on the whole close and personal with children bit – especially at a public event with the cameras rolling. Yet here we are, watching him gnaw on baby toes like he’s auditioning for a part in a slapstick comedy. This is classic Biden, folks, doing what he does best: giving us those head-scratching moments that make us say, “This guy’s in charge?”

Not Your Typical Halloween Celebration

So here’s how the Halloween trick-or-treat extravaganza played out. Parents, kids, and even White House staff lined up to see the First Couple in full Halloween spirit. First Lady Jill Biden, dressed up as a panda, handed out books. Biden, meanwhile, was passing out candy and – well, doing his “Biden” thing. One baby in a chicken costume was the first to get the “Biden special,” receiving a little nibble on the leg as cameras captured the President going full baby-feast mode.

And while everyone tried to laugh it off, let’s be real. For someone who has, shall we say, a “history” with odd personal space moments, you’d think he’d be the last guy to go for baby toes. But then again, maybe he’s just leaning into his role as the “Gaffe King.”

America’s Favorite Awkward Grandpa Moment – or Cringe?

Of course, social media had a field day with the photos. Half the internet found it all in “good fun,” while the other half thought it was another cringeworthy Biden moment. Conservatives, though, are hardly shocked. This is the same guy who, on Memorial Day, thought it appropriate to comment on a little girl’s “beautiful barrettes.” Not to mention the eyebrow-raising moment in Finland when he… well, sniffed another child. The guy just can’t help himself.

We’ll give him credit for consistency, though. If there’s one thing Biden does with dedication, it’s giving us plenty to talk about. He may not remember where he left his last thought, but he never misses an opportunity for a headline.

No Comment from the White House – Of Course

The White House, unsurprisingly, has kept its lips sealed on the incident, with Fox News reportedly reaching out for a statement that has yet to be returned. After all, what could they possibly say? “Yes, the President just loves kids’ costumes that much” probably wouldn’t help. Biden may believe he’s showing his playful, grandfatherly side, but he’s definitely on brand with his habit of providing ammo for his critics.

Final Thoughts

So, here’s to another classic Biden gaffe, the kind that makes us wonder if there’s a checklist at the White House to see how many of these moments they can rack up before the next election. But, as they say, old habits die hard. And for Biden, that means being the most unintentionally entertaining president America has had in a while.


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1 Comment

  • Talk about Brain Dead. Here is this stiff biting the toes of babies. Maybe he was having a flashback when he was Showering with his 12 year old daughter. They are all very sick and disgusting people.

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