Gavin Newsom and Tim Walz decided to bless the internet with a podcast episode that was supposed to be a soul-searching, intellectual deep-dive into why the Democratic Party is flailing harder than a fish on the dock.
Spoiler alert: They still don’t get it.
This wasn’t a post-mortem. It was a pity party. And if you want a front-row seat to just how far removed these guys are from regular Americans, well, congratulations—you’ve found it.
Elites Lamenting Elitism… While Being Elitist
First, let’s talk about the irony here. You’ve got Governor Gavin Newsom, the poster child of elitism, chatting it up with Tim Walz, the guy who just cannot stop telling you he used to be a schoolteacher. Newsom kicks it off with a humble-brag about how unpopular Democrats are—27% approval, according to NBC—and how they need to fix it.
And what’s Walz’s first solution?
“Maybe they just didn’t learn the way I was teaching.”
That’s not a joke. That’s real. He literally compared voters to confused schoolchildren who didn’t understand the brilliance of his message. Not once does he consider that the content of the message is complete and utter garbage. Nope, the fault lies with the voter.
It’s like giving someone a sandwich full of nails and blaming them for not having strong enough teeth.
When in Doubt, Blame the Voters
Throughout the podcast, Walz meanders through a maze of excuses: Maybe people are tactile learners. Maybe they need more town halls. Maybe they need more time with Tim’s tender wisdom.
At no point does he stop and think, “Hey, maybe voters did hear us—and rejected our policies because they suck.”
Nope. Too self-aware for that.
Instead, he drones on about trying to be the poorest guy who ever ran for VP, like it’s some sort of political flex. He’s out here waving around his Wall Street Journal sob story while everyday Americans are struggling to fill up their gas tanks and keep groceries on the table. But sure, Tim, tell us more about how tough you had it at the podium.
Farmer Town Halls, Tesla Stock, and Bullsh*t
There’s a moment in the podcast where Walz brags about doing a town hall in a red state. Remember when he shouted down a farmer who dared to ask him real questions? Yeah, we do too.
And don’t forget his past schadenfreude over Tesla’s stock crash—a company that employs over 140,000 Americans and sparked a manufacturing renaissance. Funny thing, Minnesota’s public pension system holds over 1.6 million shares of Tesla. That’s teachers’ pensions, firefighters’ retirement funds, public workers’ futures.
But Tim doesn’t own any, so… who cares, right?
Maybe voters aren’t tuning out because they “learn differently.” Maybe they’re sick of listening to smug, out-of-touch elitists push bloated nonsense and then act shocked when it doesn’t land. Maybe they’re just tired of the bullsht.*
Masculinity, Messaging, and Misfires
Then came the truly baffling part—Walz and Newsom lamenting how conservatives are winning the masculinity narrative. Walz, apparently still haunted by Fox News mocking him for using a straw, declares, “I think I could kick most of their ass.”
Okay, tough guy.
He says this while whining about people calling him unmasculine. That’ll fix it.
This is the Democratic Party’s identity crisis in real time. They don’t know whether to embrace hyper-wokeness, play populist cosplay, or cry because someone called them elite while they sip oat milk lattes in California wine caves.
The Real Problem: No Message, No Clue, No Plan
They admit their policies poll well, but their party does not. Instead of examining why, they cling to the myth that better marketing will solve it all.
But here’s the thing: People aren’t rejecting their message because they don’t understand it. They’re rejecting it because they do.
Because when you tell working-class Americans that they’re too dumb to get it… When you snub their values, call them racists, or mansplain that their masculinity is toxic… When you act shocked that people in red states don’t want Washington bureaucrats telling them how to live…
You lose.
And no amount of podcasting or voter “assessments” is going to fix that.
Final Thoughts
The Walz-Newsom podcast was supposed to be a reflection. Instead, it was a mirror into everything that’s wrong with the modern Left. Detached. Arrogant. Confused. Still blaming the audience instead of rewriting the script.
It’s like watching the Titanic sink and yelling at the iceberg for being rude.
So if you’ve got 45 minutes to spare and want to watch two guys miss the point harder than Kamala Harris explaining AI, check out the clip. Or a better use of your time is to watch my reaction video I included earlier in the article. It’s got more clarity, more insight, and way fewer buzzwords.
Drop your thoughts in the comment section. Are we being too harsh? Or not harsh enough?
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h/t: Steadfast and Loyal
This coward isn’t even qualified to have a paper round he’s so STUPID!