Gay Activist Couple Receives 100-Year Prison Sentence for Child Abuse

Two gay activist men who were arrested in 2022 for child abuse, have been given a 100 year prison sentence. William Dale Zulock and Zachary Jacoby Zulock have been found guilty of incest, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, sexual exploitation of children, and prostitution of a minor after being indicted by a grand jury last year. The horrifying details surrounding this case have shocked the nation and sparked outrage.

According to Townhall, the couple not only sexually abused their two adopted sons but also filmed the abuse and stored it on their cell phones. Their 11-year-old son suffered injuries from brutally being raped. The state has seized their house, cars, and assets.

But the abuse didn’t stop there. The couple also solicited other men to “perform an act of prostitution” with their young son. In a text message conversation on Snapchat, Zachary told another man to “be prepared” to receive child pornography of the father raping the child. These two men not only committed heinous acts themselves, but also actively sought out others to participate in their sick fantasies.

It is sickening that these two men, who were supposed to provide love and protection to their adopted children, instead used them for their own sexual gratification. It is a sad reality that even the LGBTQ community has individuals who are capable of such despicable actions.

Fortunately, justice has been served and the two children have been removed from these abusive men and placed into foster care. This serves as a reminder that we must always be vigilant and protect our children from any form of abuse, regardless of the perpetrator’s sexual orientation.

Sadly, the liberal media has largely ignored this shocking case. If the perpetrators had been a straight, Christian couple, the media would have sensationalized the story and used it as an example of the dangers of traditional family values. But since the couple is part of the LGBTQ community, the media has been silent.

This is yet another example of the mainstream media’s bias and selective reporting. It is also a reminder of the importance of supporting President Trump’s efforts to protect children and combat human trafficking. These heinous crimes against innocent children must be brought to light and the perpetrators must face the consequences of their actions.

Let us not forget about the two young victims in this case, who have had their innocence and childhoods stolen from them. Let us pray for their healing and for justice to be served. And let us continue to support President Trump in his fight against the exploitation and abuse of children.

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1 Comment

  • MSM acting as usual. Protecting Democrats, weirdos and anti-conservatives(actually the same people). I note some financial problems for several sources. Here’s hoping we see some well deserved bankruptcies in the near future.

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