Biden Brazenly Issues Chilling Threat to House Speaker Mike Johnson: ‘Dead on Arrival’!

President Biden has once again shown his true colors, this time with a brazen dismissal of House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA). When questioned by reporters, Biden made it clear that he considers Johnson’s opposition to his radical proposals as “dead on arrival”. Not only did he stand by his words, but he also had the audacity to double down on them when asked for clarification.

Biden was on his way to board Air Force One when he was asked about Johnson’s staunch objection to his outrageous calls for “oversight” over the Supreme Court. The President’s audacious proposal includes limiting Supreme Court justices terms to 18 years and imposing a “code of ethics” that would be exploited by radical Democrats to impeach any justice who doesn’t rule in their favor.

Johnson, standing firm as the voice of reason in the Republican House, declared on Monday that Biden’s proposals are “dead on arrival”. He echoed the sentiments of many Americans who see through this thinly veiled attempt at gaining more power.

In an X post, Johnson warned against the dangers of Biden’s proposed changes. “President Biden’s radical proposal to overhaul the U.S. Supreme Court will erode the rule of law and shake the American people’s faith in our justice system,” he wrote. The Speaker further criticized the Democrats’ attempts to delegitimize the Supreme Court and predicted they will soon resume their calls to expand and pack the Court.

Johnson also pointed out the Democrats’ alarming willingness to change a system that has guided our nation since its inception, simply because they disagree with some of the Court’s recent decisions. He highlighted this as a dangerous gambit by the Biden-Harris Administration and assured that it is dead on arrival in the House.

Following his remarks, Biden was asked about Johnson’s statement. “Speaker Johnson said it’s dead on arrival,” a reporter shouted just before Biden boarded Air Force One. “He is,” Biden replied, unapologetically dismissing the Speaker’s opposition.

When probed further, “He is? ‘Dead on arrival?’”, Biden clarified with a smug, “He is. Dead on arrival.”

Biden’s comments have sparked outrage on social media, coming just over two weeks after former President Donald Trump was nearly assassinated by a gunman who donated to left-wing causes.

“Donald Trump was an inch away from being assassinated not three weeks ago. This is Joe Biden’s rhetoric today,” commented The Spectator editor Stephen Miller, echoing the frustration of many conservatives.

Final Thoughts: It’s clear that Biden and his administration are determined to push their radical agenda at any cost, even if it means dismissing the valid concerns of Republicans and undermining the foundations of our justice system. We must stand firm in opposition to these dangerous proposals and continue to hold them accountable for their actions.

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  • For all their yapping about “preserving democracy” dementia and the other devildemocommiecrats hate democracy and are trying hard to impose a dictatorship on We the People!!!!!!!!!!

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