Allyson Phillips, the grieving mother of the late Laken Riley, has publicly voiced her outrage over President Joe Biden’s incorrect pronunciation of her daughter’s name during his recent State of the Union (SOTU) address.
The tragic murder of 22-year-old Laken Riley unexpectedly became a point of political dispute when President Biden, in an attempt to address the issue of violence, incorrectly referred to her as “Lincoln Riley,” a well-known figure in college football. This error was not made once, but twice during his speech.
Riley’s heartbroken mother, Allyson Phillips, did not let this mistake slide. She took to social media to express her disappointment and frustration.
In response to a Facebook comment, Phillips did not hold back, stating, “Biden does not even KNOW my child’s name – it’s pathetic! If you are going to say her name (even when forced to do so) at least say the right name!”
The controversy quickly escalated as both supporters and critics joined the online conversation. Many accused the President of trying to downplay the seriousness of Riley’s murder by mistakenly using his deceased son, Beau Biden’s name, and misidentifying Riley.
Others echoed Phillips’ sentiments, labeling the mistake as “pathetic” and “disgraceful,” and questioning the President’s sincerity and competence.
Riley’s life was tragically cut short when her body was found on the University of Georgia campus on February 22, after she left home for a run. She had suffered fatal blunt force trauma to the head, a wound allegedly inflicted by Jose Ibarra, an illegal immigrant. Investigators have described the incident as a ‘crime of opportunity.’
Biden and his Democrat allies have referred to the Senate immigration bill that would normalize 5,000 illegal alien entries every single day, provide a path to citizenship for millions of illegals and provide minimal funds to securing the border as a “border security bill.”
After Biden referred to the bill as the “toughest set of border security reforms we’ve ever seen,” he was interrupted by House Republicans who rejected his framing of the bill.
U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA) could be heard shouting “say her name,” at which point Biden repeated a common campaign talking point where he blames the border crisis on Republicans. “Oh, you don’t think so? Oh, you don’t like that bill, huh? That conservatives got together and said it was a good bill? I’ll be darned. That’s amazing,” Biden said.
As the shouting match continued, the president reached into his pocket and retrieved the Laken Riley button that was given to him by Rep. Greene (R-GA). Upon retrieving the button, Biden mispronounced the slain college student’s name, referring to her as “Lincoln Riley.”
“Lincoln Riley. An innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal,” Biden said while holding up the button. “. That’s right. But how many of thousands of people being killed by illegals?” he continued.
“To her parents I say, my heart goes out to you, having lost children myself, I understand.” Biden then attempted to sell the amnesty bill as a major win for border security, though House Republicans were not buying it. The president was then met with boos and chants of “build the wall.”
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